Donation Options

Promise Landing Farm is a creative engine for inclusivity, engaging community members with and without disabilities in meaningful interactions with each other and their equine partners to foster a community where everyone is valued and included.

Promise Landing Farm believes that each and every individual can benefit from a relationship with a horse. We are a place where people of all capabilities and backgrounds can gather and share their love for horses, in the process gaining a deeper understanding and kindness for themselves and others.

Join our community! Here are some ways to support Promise Landing Farm:


Sponsor a Horse

It costs $6,000 per year to keep a PLF horse in top shape. That includes everything from vet care and hoof trims to feed and fly spray. Sponsor a horse for three, six, or twelve months and you’ll get a plaque on your horse’s stall and a special visit and photo shoot with your horse.


Scholarship a Rider

PLF offers financial aid to riders with disabilities who are unable to afford the full cost of adaptive riding lessons. When you contribute to the rider scholarship fund, you give someone the gifts of inclusion and empowerment. $350 is the average financial aid award for ten weeks of lessons.